Best Ideas For Generating Second Source of Income

Best Ideas For Generating Second Source of Income

In today's world having a single source of income (Salary) is not enough. If you lose your job then your primary income will be disconnected and you will get worried about how you will handle your financial liabilities like home loan, utility bills, apartment rent, etc. For mitigating this risk you should always build second source of income based on your ability.
Here I am listing a few ways to generate a second source of income in your free time.


This is the easiest way to share your knowledge with the world. You can use Google's Blogger or WordPress to create your blog. You can purchase a domain name and configure it. Enabling automatic ads like Google Adsense on your blog will relieve you from the worries of finding out an advertiser.


This is the best way to earn a secondary income. You can create your profile on Truelancer, Freelancer, Up work, etc. Add all your skills like blog writing, photo/video editing, website development, etc. Search for the project that you think is suitable for you and can be delivered with good quality. Send a proposal and if selected you can start working and earning. 

Youtube Video creation

Affiliate Marketing

Lending Money



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